visiting moonrise

Before your appointment

  • We have plenty of mats and props, but feel free to bring along your favorites.

  • Wear comfortable clothes that feel good and allow you to move freely.

  • You are welcome to bring a beverage in a tightly-closed container.

  • Please stay home if you are experiencing any cold or flu symptoms, have a fever, are injured, or are experiencing serious discomfort anywhere in your body. Your health and safety is always more important than missing class (and I’ll refund you anyway).

During your session

  • Breathe. Your breath is always here for you, whether you notice it or not. Let it be the foundation of your practice. Whenever you notice distraction, simply come back to your breath.

  • Notice how movement feels in your body. Honor your body’s messages to back off, change position, or skip altogether.

  • Release judgment of yourself and others. Don’t worry about what your classmates can do, are/aren’t doing, or how they do it.

  • Ask questions. We are happy to take a quick pause to ensure your comfort and safety. Someone else has the same question, so please speak up!

  • Don’t overthink it. Your mind is going to wander in practice, and that’s okay. You aren’t bad at yoga: you’re simply experiencing the human condition. Notice it, and come back to your breath.

  • Enjoy the beauty of a slow, meditative yoga practice.